Smokin' Tuna in Key West

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Smokin' Tuna

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(305) 517-6350
4 Charles Street, Key West 33040
Hours: Not Currently Available

If you are looking for great live music and fresh seafood in Key West, Smokin' Tuna is the perfect place for you. The bar is located at Charles Street between Greene Street and Caroline Street. Unlike other bars in Key West, Smokin' Tuna is spacious and there is plenty of room for watching sports and enjoying live music shows. The interior shows two bars along with a wonderful stage. This open air bar allows enjoying the pleasant weather along with delicious food and enchanting music. Live music is one of the most fascinating features of this bar since its two founders have well-known musical history. Scott Kirby, popular song writer and rock singer is one the founders of the bar. Charlie Bauer who has been known as founder of song writer festival and experienced music show arranger along with Scott started this bar as a live entertainment destination for music lovers, visitors here. So, instead of just enjoying snorkeling and fishing this Key West bar brings exciting live entertainment. Apart from live music attraction, Smokin' Tuna is on the top of the list of food lovers. Pete Popovic, a well-known chef is one of the partners of the bar who brought his special dishes and recipes here. Some of the specialties and favorite dishes of the bar are White Bean Chili, Hog Fish, Mahi Mahi, Tuna Wasabi and many more. Besides seafood, there are plenty of alternatives of other food items like salads, hamburgers, grilled chicken sandwiches etc. Just order your favorite dishes and enjoy. Smokin' Tuna brings premium brands of drinks. You can try rum punch, draft beer or other drinks. The variety of draft beer here includes special Smokin' Tuna Beer, Bud Light, Yuengling etc. So, dive in for unlimited fun and entertainment at Smokin' Tuna.
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