Mangrove Mama's in Summerland

Location Details

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Mangrove Mama's

(305) 745-3030
19991 Overseas Hwy, Summerland 33042
Hours: Not Currently Available

Mangrove Mama’s restaurant in Lower Keys is situated on Sugarloaf Key and has become landmark for last thirty years. The restaurant has won prestigious ‘Certificate Of Excellence 2013’ for its fresh, delicious food and satisfactory services. The history of restaurant goes back along with the history of Florida Keys. The original building was built in 1910 and it experienced many changes from hurricane in 1935 till it became a Mangrove Mama’s restaurant. Still the building and its decoration show the style of old times and remind Bahamas. The decoration of palm trees and vibrant local art make indoor and outdoor areas beautiful. The restaurant is famous for its delicious food. It brings a wide variety of food items for food lovers. You can enjoy salads, sandwiches, fresh seafood, desserts and drinks here. If you are going on the long trip, Mangrove Mama’s restaurant is the right place to stop, relax, and eat delicious food. The restaurant serves breakfast, lunch, dinner and Sunday brunch. There are many exciting dishes served in the restaurant like Conch Chowder, Shrimp St Jacques, seafood Pasta, Lobster Reuben and many more. The restaurant is famous for its award winning dish Key Lime Pie. If you go for dinner, you can enjoy the dinner with live music here. The live music show starts at 6pm and provides musical treat for the visitors. The restaurant arranges various events like Corn Hole tournaments. It is also available for large parties, wedding etc. The restaurant has its store which offers variety of articles like Tumbler cups, bottle/can Coozie, T-shirts etc. So, if you are going to Lower Keys or passing by there, do not forget to visit Mangrove Mama’s restaurant to relax and enjoy tasty food and drinks.
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