Looe Key Tiki Hut in Ramrod Key

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Looe Key Tiki Hut

(305) 204-4109
27340 Overseas Hwy, Ramrod Key 33042
Hours: Not Currently Available

Looe Key Tiki Hut bar is located on Overseas Highway, Ramrod Key. This open air bar has comfortable ambiance made of simple huts facing towards the sea area. This Tiki Bar and Grill is well known for plenty of annual events and celebrations. You can enjoy Toga party with Toga costume content and live music, Halloween party, Lobster mini season, Local’s Appreciation Party, Trivia Night, Thanks Giving party, New Year’s Party and many more. This bar and grill offers variety of delicious dishes like Green Bean Casseroles, Hot Bread Rolls, Au Gratin Potatoes, Yams with/ without Marshmallows along with roasted ham and turkey. You can also enjoy fresh seafood and fish dishes like shrimp, conch platter, crab legs, fish tacos etc. The bar offers great entertainment with sports activities and live music. Just relax and enjoy cool ocean breezes along with drinks. This big bar provides a wide range of drinks. The bar staff is friendly and helpful. Despite of great food and drinks, the prices are quite reasonable at Looe Key Tiki Bar. The live music and different events or offers here fascinate locals as well as visitors to the bar. Monday, Tuesday and Thursday nights are special with live music and entertainment. The bar offers Happy Hours between 4pm to 7pm and you can enjoy drinks at discounted prices. You can try brunch here with a delicious menu. The bar provides brunch on Saturdays and Sundays between 7.30am to 2pm. If you are going for Summerland or on long route Looe key Tiki Hut Bar and Grill is the best place to stop and relax. Experience an exciting entertainment, great food and drinks and chill.
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