Jimmy Johnson's Big Chill in Key Largo

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Jimmy Johnson's Big Chill

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(305) 453-9066
104000 Overseas Highway, Key Largo 33037
Hours: Not Currently Available

Do you want to get away in Florida Keys and chill? Jimmy Johnson’s Big Chill located on Overseas Highway in Key Largo is one of the favorite spots of tourists that you must visit. This waterfront restaurant and bar is famous for spectacular views of Atlantic waters and sunset. The restaurant has specious indoor restaurant and sports bar. There are many flat screen TVs inside for the entertainment of sports lovers. This is a unique sports bar in Florida where you can watch your favorite events and teams. Along with indoor venue, the restaurant has nice balcony and huge outside patio for full tiki bar. There is live music entertainment for all seven days a week in the outside bar area. The restaurant also offers pool and cabana where you can stay, rest and relax. Jimmy Johnson’s Big Chill serves a variety of fresh seafood dishes, desserts, and drinks. Some of the favorite dishes of tourists include Tuna Tacos, Conch Fritters, Mahi Mahi, Shrimp Sandwich, Chicken Wings, Key Lime Pie and many more. The Pizza and Sushi menu here fascinates the food lovers. The tiki bar is a favorite place of tourists and locals to hang out and chill. The bar has wonderful selection of drinks including beers, wines and other drinks. You can enjoy awesome cocktails and drinks here. The restaurant serves everything to have fun and entertainment. You can celebrate private party or wedding ceremony at the restaurant or outside bar area. The bar staff is friendly and caring. Jimmy Johnson’s Big Chill has a store offering T-shirts and accessories. Many special events are held annually such as Conch Shell Drops Fireworks on Florida Bay, Open Christmas day etc. So, just order your favorite dishes and enjoy sports events, stunning sunset views and relax.
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