Green Parrot Bar in Key West

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Green Parrot Bar

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(305) 294-6133
601 Whitehead St., Key West 33040
Hours: Not Currently Available

One of the oldest and most favorite bars in Key West is Green Parrot Bar. It is located on Whitehead Street and popular for its live music and tons of fun. The bar has been there since 1890 and decorated with original artworks. This open air bar brings darts, pool table, pinball and a lot of fun and entertainment. You can enjoy tropical breezes along with the drinks. The friendly bartenders offer quick service. Green Parrot brings wonderful selection of drinks and that too at cheap price. The bar allows smoking. Live music at Green Parrot fascinates locals as well as visitors and tourists in Key West. The bar has been voted as the best live music location in Florida by Florida Magazine. The old juke box is heart of the bar that attracts music lovers. Listen to your favorite singers and musicians. You can enjoy the best music on the island and featured bands across the world performing on the stage here. The band starts at 5.30pm. The Ukulele club presents a show once in a month and that is the great excitement for tourists as well as locals to enjoy the play and join the Ukin family. Just check the live music calendar at Green Parrot and you will definitely cheer up with musical entertainment. If you want to get feel of old Key West, Green Parrot is the right place for you. The bar has not changed for years and offers a true Key West feel to the visitors. Experience the exciting entertainment with a lot of fun, games, drinks and great live music at Green Parrot once and you will definitely want to enjoy it again and again.
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