Blue Heaven in Key West

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Blue Heaven

(305) 296-8666
729 Thomas St, Key West 33040
Hours: Not Currently Available

If you want to enjoy and taste Key West food, Blue Heaven is one of the must visited places in Key West. The restaurant was started by Suzanne and Richard. You will find cats and chickens roaming around. Don't let the simple decor of the restaurant or a long line fool you, it is worth it to taste the awesome food at Blue Heaven. The restaurant has an indoor and an outdoor dining area. Some favorite dishes of tourists here include Lobster Benedict, Banana bread, stone crab claws, Mojito, Shrimp and Girts, and Key Lime Pie loaded with meringue topping. The restaurant serves breakfast, lunch, dinner along with a special dessert menu. You can get Sunday brunch here. It also offers special kids menu. Chef Guillaume has been there from 1994 and well known for his seafood dishes. For breakfast, you will find various pancakes like A-La-Carte plain pancake, Rooster pancakes, along with many other dishes like Tenderloin, Granola, Lobster Benedict etc. The Lunch menu here includes soups, salads along with Chicken Salad sandwich, Fish sandwich, Shrimp melt, Hamburger etc. This meal can be topped up with desserts like Key Lime Pie, Belgian Chocolate Torte, or Banana Heaven. You can enjoy dinner with different appetizers, Salads and a main course including dishes like Jamaican Jerk Chicken or Caribbean BBQ Shrimp. Kids menu at Blue Heaven includes Pasta, Shrimp, Steak and Chicken. The Key Lime Pie at Blue Heaven is famous for its towering toppings that you will not find anywhere. The restaurant serves a wonderful collection of wines. You can enjoy delicious food and drinks with live music entertainment. The staff is friendly and prompt. At the Blue Heaven gift shop, you can shop T-Shirts, candles or other gift articles. So, if you are in Key West, do not miss out on the delicious food at Blue Heaven.
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